Control and verify patches & updates to eliminate vulnerabilities
All connected devices on your private networks depend on timely patches and updates to function safely and reliably. The reason for the process is to fix flaws that were discovered after the original purchase of the devices.
Systems like Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Google Android/Chrome, and others need security patches to be orchestrated by the user or a service. The reason is cybercriminals find their targets by scanning all regions of the internet to find networks of computers that have missing security patches, also known as vulnerabilities.
To give more context, we will now give an example: Microsoft typically gathers up all of their newest Security Patches, which come in the form of Windows Updates, and attempts to distribute them to all of the computers in the world on the second Tuesday of every month.

Why do you really need to patch and update your machine?
Some computers will get all the patches and updates without issue because the computer is already in good health. However, some computers will fail to get the updates because of misconfiguration, corruption, or simply just being disconnected from the internet when the update or patch is released.
Updates and Patches can sometimes be damaging since, at the end of the day, we are all human beings and make mistakes. Other times, Windows Update will run way too long at the worst time, causing delays when your business can’t afford them.

Provide remote support to close the gap in repair times
What’s in an SLA? There is nothing worse than having to wait days to fix a simple problem. Blue Sky has a solution! We can help from anywhere by pulling up your screen on our secure remote access system. When issues arise, we can start to diagnose while the call is being taken. You no longer must wait for a technician to drive on-site to look at the problem. This takes the diagnosis time from hours to seconds. This is a huge advantage for everyone reducing time to completion by 80%.

Monitor hardware for issues and automate repairs
Blue Sky installs a software tool on all our client’s computers that will manage updates and patches and makes sure they install on schedule and at a time that is most convenient for your entire business. In addition, our software also indexes your computer’s update information and alerts us to missing or harmful patches. This allows us to eliminate vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. We also have alerting functionality built into the Blue Sky monitoring software that way we can see problems before they happen! Most of the time a system will start displaying problems before it completely malfunctions and locks up, and that’s why we make sure our technicians get the information fast and direct. A large amount of work is also dedicated to automation and self-healing routines as part of our service, enabling issues to be resolved much faster than repetitive human intervention.